AMAYA is our Mother Earth or Mother Nature.

AMAYA specializes in healing the body, mind, and soul of Beings living on and in and under the Earth. The Earth is AMAYA’s Body, and her healing modalities have countless facets.

According to AMAYA: “I look at healing from a perspective of Nature because I am Nature. I, Nature, am your home – your origin. Everything originates from me. Being your Mother Nature, I know how you can heal. 

All elements of Nature represent healing. You have to recognize them and apply them correctly.”

Mountains and Healing

As Mother Nature, I provide everything you need to stay and become whole. As you know, everything is alive, even what you consider to be inanimate matter. Rocks and mountains are mighty warriors in my realm of Nature. Mountain ranges are designed as vast fields and places for healing– this is inherent in the word as such. 

Encountering a mountain or a rock formation should be a highly spiritual experience.

Mountains are my highest and greatest emissaries. They are a part of me, as you are a part of me, but you can tell by their very mass how much more condensed energy they are and harbor. They are highly concentrated energy. They are life.

Mountains and rocks serve as healers for everyone.

For everyone who calls this planet their home. Their wisdom is boundless. Get in touch with them. They are a treasure trove for your healing. Treat them with dignity and respect, and you will receive a thousandfold the love you give.

The Wise Sayings of SZOKWA provide wonderful insight into this fascinating world and are available as e-books on Amazon.

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