We are dedicated to connecting souls to the network of light through the soul consciousness ACTIVATION of the fifth dimension (5D) integration

Cosmic Records

Soul Attunement

Energy Realignment

Many soul aspects living on earth had many lives on different planets and galaxies in the past. Reclaiming your soul journey will reveal hidden abilities and powers you can bring forward to enrich your present experience on planet Earth.

Discover who you have always been and what is your soul mission. Understand why you volunteered to help lift the earth from the 3D and how you contribute to the emerging new 5D Earth.

The Ancestry of Nature Spirits training will support participants in raising their vibration and Merkaba, expanding the range of contact with Beings on various planes in different dimensions through activation practices. Through high energy frequency. Raise your Merkaba to infinity. Raising the Merkaba of a sick person can expand the bubble of light to envelope anything, making them whole again.

Ancestry Spirits of Nature Attunement

Everything has ancestry, and everyone has ancestors. The Master Level Training attunes your energy to higher frequencies, increasing the alignment of one’s field to connect with the frequency of substantial beings and material forms inhabited by all kinds of spirits. This three-day course will connect you to your Elemental, Light Beings, and Guides.

Cosmic Resume

An advanced soul, most recently on a galactic mission in the Sirius Council. I emerged as an avatar from the Cygnus constellation in the current Universe. With many Earth experiences since the debacle on Mars, I landed in Egypt and have been earth-focused, preparing for the graduation of the Earth—AMAYA.

My existence is not measured in times, years, or cycles but by counting the Universes up to 32.

 Spiritual experiences in this timeline include 35 years serving as a Pastor for Christ Consciousness activation and 25 years guiding souls to the safety of the Christ Light in the etheric 4th Dimension and the Underworld in Amante.

 My current service is as a Walk-in for MISONAS, The SANAT KUMARA, GOD VISHNU, and as a Co-Teacher at NAMAS YOUNIVERSITY.


Cosmic Records Reading (Offline)

Through this exploration, you will regain access to the broader aspects of your soul expanse and be able to:

  • Make sense of the disparate impulses of your mind

  • Understand the meaning of the different experiences of your life

  • Explain the “why” of the things that are important to you.

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Soul Attunement & Energy Realignment (Live Zoom Session)

Through this exploration, you will regain access to the broader aspects of your soul expanse and be able to:

  • Live Energy Attunement

  • Connect with Your Soul and Soul Family

  • Make sense of the disparate impulses of your mind

  • Understand the meaning of the different experiences of your life

  • Explain the “why” of the things that are important to you.

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Ancestry Spirits of Nature Attunement & Activation

The aim of the Ancestry of Nature attunement is to guide the students and bridge their linkage to Light Beings, giving them the opportunity to re-dedicate their service to the Divine, and to:

  • Work with your Light Beings!

  • Answer specific and particular questions about the essence of the spirit team.

  • What is the origin of the spirit?

  • What are the privileges and limiting aspects of the spirit?

  • What is the purpose of aligning with them?

  • How can they receive information and work with them in the future?

We help souls connect with Nature Spirits and Stations as per one or group energy levels and the guidance of the Divine and teach how to communicate with the established forces. We help students understand the process they can use to download information and establish a connection with more spirits. We let students uncover their role in restoring the beauty of galaxies and teach them about the seven planes of existence so that they can retrieve information from the Creator and Master Teachers.

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